Beschneidungstechniken: Traditionelle Methoden vs. Moderne Chirurgische Verfahren

Choosing the right circumcision method can be a complex decision […]

Choosing the right circumcision method can be a complex decision that requires both cultural and medical considerations. In this blog, we take a close look at traditional and modern circumcision techniques, compare their benefits and risks, and help you find the method that best suits your needs.

Traditional circumcision methods

Historical background and cultural significance

Traditional circumcision practices have been an integral part of many cultures for centuries. In communities in Africa, the Middle East, and certain parts of Asia, circumcision is often seen as a ritual transition to adulthood. These practices are deeply rooted in religious and cultural beliefs that give people a strong sense of identity and belonging.

Common traditional techniques

Traditional circumcision techniques include methods such as the use of simple blades or cutting tools, performed in a non-sterile environment. Often, circumcision takes place in family or community ceremonies in which the social environment plays a major role.

Advantages of traditional methods

For many people, the value of traditional circumcision methods lies in their symbolic meaning. These techniques are often seen as an important part of cultural heritage and identity. In some cultures, traditional circumcision is also believed to be less painful and allows for faster healing.

Risks and complications of traditional methods

Despite their cultural significance, traditional practices carry health risks. Because they are often performed without medical expertise, complications such as infection, excessive bleeding, and long-term health problems can occur. In some cases, traditional circumcision can heal improperly and cause permanent damage.

Healing process and aftercare with traditional methods

The healing process after a traditional circumcision varies depending on the method and the circumstances under which it was performed. Aftercare is often less standardized, increasing the risk of complications. Careful aftercare is important to ensure healthy and complete healing.

Modern surgical circumcision procedures

Development and dissemination of modern technologies

Modern medicine has made significant advances in developing safe and effective circumcision procedures. These techniques are performed in sterile environments by trained professionals using state-of-the-art medical equipment and anesthesia to minimize the risk of pain and complications.

Common modern techniques

Modern techniques include the Plastibell method, laser circumcision, electrosurgical circumcision (diathermy) and Alisklamp circumcision.

  • Plastibell method : This method uses a small plastic ring placed over the foreskin to cut off the blood flow. Within a few days, the foreskin dies and falls off while the ring falls off on its own. This technique is especially popular with infants because it is minimally invasive, does not require stitches, and the risk of bleeding and infection is low.
  • Laser circumcision : This highly precise method uses a medical laser to cut the tissue while simultaneously cauterizing the blood vessels. The laser ensures minimal bleeding and faster healing because there is less trauma to the surrounding tissue. This technique is particularly beneficial for older children and adults because it produces a more aesthetic result and causes less post-operative pain.
  • Alisklamp circumcision : This method uses a special disposable clamping device called an alisklamp to clamp the foreskin and stop the blood flow. This makes the procedure almost bloodless, which significantly reduces the risk of complications such as infection and post-operative bleeding. The alisklamp usually stays on the penis for a few days until healing has progressed and then falls off on its own. This method is particularly suitable for children and adults as it allows for rapid healing and requires little aftercare.
  • High frequency (high frequency) surgical circumcision (diathermy) : This involves passing high frequency alternating current through the body to cut the tissue in a targeted manner by heating it and at the same time closing the blood vessels. This method minimizes bleeding and protects the surrounding tissue. It is considered the gold standard in modern surgery as it allows precise cuts to be made while at the same time achieving bleeding control. This technique is ideal for patients of all ages and leads to faster healing with fewer complications.

Advantages of modern procedures

Modern circumcision procedures offer numerous advantages: Greater safety: Sterile conditions and the use of anesthesia significantly reduce the risk of infections and complications. Precision: Modern surgical tools such as laser or diathermy allow for precise removal of the foreskin, resulting in a more aesthetic result. Faster healing: Minimally invasive techniques such as laser and Alisklamp circumcision promote faster healing, allowing patients to return to their normal activities more quickly.

Risks and healing process in modern procedures

Although modern procedures are safer, risks such as bleeding, swelling or pain can still occur. The healing process is usually well documented and standardized, with clear aftercare instructions to avoid complications. With proper care, the wound heals completely in a few weeks.

Comparison: Traditional vs. Modern Circumcision Methods

Safety and risks in comparison

In direct comparison, modern surgical procedures such as alisklamp or laser circumcision offer greater safety and a lower risk of complications than traditional methods. While traditional techniques are often performed in non-sterile environments, modern procedures offer a controlled, clean environment and the use of anesthesia to minimize risk.

Healing time and aftercare

Healing time after modern surgical circumcision is usually shorter, and aftercare is clearly defined and standardized. In contrast, healing after traditional circumcision may take longer, and aftercare is often less structured, increasing the risk of complications.

Cultural and personal considerations

For many people, the cultural significance of circumcision plays a crucial role in the choice of method. While modern procedures may be preferred due to their safety and efficiency, traditional methods are often deeply rooted in religious and cultural beliefs that must be taken into account when making the decision.


The decision of whether to choose a traditional or modern circumcision method depends on many factors. While modern surgical procedures are generally safer and more precise, traditional methods offer a deeper cultural and spiritual connection. It is important to carefully consider both approaches and choose the best method for individual needs in consultation with an experienced professional.

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